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Kitsune Menu

Lifetime - $20


- Added Bypass world restrictions
- added the ability to move with the software open
- Fixed Draw TV, also works for online
- added set nearby peds calm
- added kill nearby peds
- added delete nearby peds
- added kill nearby peds loop
- added delete nearby peds loop
- added delete nearby vehicles
- added set ped aggressive drivers
- added max upgrade nearby vehicles
- added kill engine of all nearby vehicles
- added set nearby vehicles out of control
- added green/red laser to projectile editor
- added nearby peds and nearby vehicles subtabs
- added clear all vehicle entries
- added show full HUD
- added reveal full minimap
- added tabs for Saved locations, IPLs and basic locations
- added shop locations
- added safehouse locations
- fixed copy player outfits
- fixed arcade money (I think)
-removed stealth money

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